Friday, August 30, 2013

What is the biggest problem with SRT in SRT Viper?

The biggest problem is that SRT as a brand is a failed idea.  The reason: Viper is the single original model this fake brand includes.  The rest are just hopped up versions of mainstream Chrysler cars, including those that car rental companies use. 

Had Fiat kept Viper as the only SRT branded car and then added a couple of others that would be exclusive to SRT (smaller sports cars competing with Miata, lower Porsche and BMW), yes, then this would work.  As it is right now, it is an absolute disaster, killing the Viper even more than what lack of improvements in design and performance already do anyway.

LOL at Chrysler dealers paying 25k for the privilege of pretending they sell an exclusive brand while people cannot tell apart on the lots run of the mill Chrysler cars from their SRT equivalents (minus Viper of course).

Seeing this stupidity, it is pretty obvious that Viper was better off as a Dodge, at least it was a flagship of a big brand, what is it now?  A complete failure all on its own.

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