Monday, September 2, 2013

VCA claims a partial responsibility for Generation 5 SRT Viper disaster-Dumb and Dumber

Apparently VCA is fighting with Gilles and Fiat to claim this dubious honor, at least according the recently disclosed correspondence.  Wow, just when I thought some people are really dumb, they just prove to be considerably dumber.   And all of this over a vendor going by JonB on Viper morgues while peddling his merchandise and attitude on Partsrack website.

March 10, 2013

Mr. Sergio Marchionne

Chrysler Group LLC

CIMS 484-14-16

1000 Chrysler Drive

Auburn Hills, MI 48326

*RE: Chrysler's lost sales due to Ralph Gilles personal agenda

Dear Mr. Marchionne,

I write at this time to address what I consider to be serious issues
regarding the future of Viper and SRT in general, and I greatly appreciate
your consideration and attention to my concerns. ****

Let me start by saying that I have been a long-time customer of Dodge,
Chrysler, and SRT, and I have owned numerous products from each, including
several Vipers. Additionally, I have been a member of the Viper Club of
America for many years, and have also been a member of the VCA's national
board of directors for several years. During that time, I have worked
closely, and became good friends, with many dozens of individuals who were
very devoted to SRT and the Viper, and who excitedly promoted SRT
products-resulting in many thousands of car/truck sales. ****

Over the years, the VCA has enjoyed a mutually-beneficial relationship
with the manufacturer and various members of its management. Dodge, then
SRT, has supported the VCA, provided cars for our events, allowed the VCA
access to manufacturing facilities, invited input from our members,
sponsored banquets, and much more. In return, the VCA has been far and away
the biggest supporter, and customer, of Dodge and now SRT. By way of merely
one example, one of our members, after owning his first Viper, bought
16,000 Dodge trucks for his companies. The number of SRT and other related
vehicles that have been purchased by VCA members is impossible to
calculate, but would certainly number in the tens of thousands. Bottom
line, the VCA is immensely valuable to your organization as well. Indeed,
the VCA is without question the core of SRT's customer base and, arguably,
essential to the very survival of SRT.

As with any organization with thousands of members, the VCA is not without
its internal and political issues. Historically, however, the VCA leaders
have made it a point to not trouble our manufacturer/partner with our
internal issues, just as the manufacturer does not bring its internal
issues to the VCA. Unfortunately, Mr. Ralph Gilles, CEO of SRT, has
recently not only injected himself into VCA business, but has conducted a
number of meetings and phone calls with VCA leaders through which he has
made numerous "demands" and serious threats which have largely centered
around his insistence that the VCA modify a suspension of one of its former

Without troubling you with the history of what led to the suspension,
suffice it to say that the member at issue was suspended, following many
years of problems, by a unanimous vote of the national board of directors
in January of 2012. That suspension was extended by a majority vote of the
same board this past quarter. As it turns out, the suspended member is a
personal friend of Mr. Gilles and his wife.

After the vote to extend the suspension, Mr. Gilles took it upon himself
to demand a meeting with the national officers of the VCA. That meeting
occurred in his office on January 16, 2013. At that time Mr. Gilles made
numerous demands and threats to withdraw (SRT and Mopar's) advertising from
Viper Magazine (published by the VCA), to stop offering free first-year VCA
memberships to new Viper owners (something Chrysler has not provided anyway
for the past four years), and to pull all support from the VCA. He also
proclaimed that the VCA's ownership of Viper Parts of America (a for-profit
organization) is "illegal." In fact, VPA was set up as a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the VCA by an Am-Law 100 law firm. Nevertheless, Mr. Gilles
demanded to see the financials of VPA-something he has no right to.

After the meeting, Mr. Gilles sent a written message (which, presumably,
he could provide you if asked) to the VCA officers demanding, among other
things, that the suspended member not only be reinstated, but that he be
placed in an "honorary" position (Mr. Gilles's written words). On January
18, 2013, the newly-appointed national board of directors of the VCA, met
to discuss how to respond to Mr. Gilles's "demands". The board (which I am
a part of), voted-unanimously-to continue the suspension of the member at
issue, despite Mr. Gilles's demands. While I cannot speak for every member
of that fifteen-person board, I can tell you that many were very taken
aback by Mr. Gilles's behavior, demands, and intrusion into VCA business.
While every person expressed respect and concern for the VCA's relationship
with the manufacturer, the entire group ultimately concluded that
succumbing to Mr. Gilles's expressed demands was simply unacceptable.
On January 22, 2013, Mr. Gilles's participated in a multi-hour telephone
conference with the national officers concerning his demands and the VCA's
response thereto. While I was not involved in that call, it is my
understanding that Mr. Gilles's demands continued. At one point Mr. Gilles
was asked what happens if the suspended member was allowed back in, there
were additional problems, and the VCA had to explain that the member was
allowed back because Ralph Gilles demanded it. In response, Mr. Gilles
excitedly proclaimed that could never happen and neither he nor SRT could
be associated with this issue in any way-despite the fact that the only
reason SRT is involved at all is because Ralph is choosing to inject
himself. Nevertheless, Ralph insisted that he could not be associated with
this if there were problems later. Why he chooses to involve himself, and
threaten the leaders of SRT's core customer base, is simply baffling.

While I greatly appreciate the role Mr. Gilles played in creating the new
Viper (which looks to be an amazing car), I am extremely frustrated with
his recent intrusion into VCA business and the threats he has made against
the national officers and VCA membership in general. During the meeting on
January 22, 2013, I am told that Mr. Gilles at one point made a comment to
the effect of "I have managed 'the NASCAR issues' I have recently dealt
with, no little car club is a problem for me." He seems to think he is
invincible and needs no one-including SRT's customers.

After witnessing what Mr. Gilles's has done in the past few months, I have
decided that I am not going to place the orders for a new truck and Viper
as I had originally planned. I am not alone in this respect, and have heard
similar responses from several other members of the club. I know for a fact
that you have already lost several dozen new car orders. I am positive that
this will become far more widespread if news of this situation becomes

While I most certainly hope these issues can be resolved and that the VCA
and SRT can regain the tremendous relationship they have both enjoyed for
many years, if they are not, and Mr. Gilles ultimately carries through on
his threats, the VCA will have no choice but to explain his and SRT's
withdrawal from Viper Magazine and VCA events to the entire club. The VCA
will, of course, be entirely honest about everything that has occurred
here. However, the truth will not be positive for the perception of the
vast majority of the VCA's thousands of members.

My letter to you is written in the hopes that you can assist in preventing
this from ending as I fear it otherwise will. Toward that end, if there is
anything I can do to address these issues further, I will be happy to
respond as you may request. My contact information can be found at the
bottom of this letter. On the other hand, if Mr. Gilles is allowed to
follow through on his threats, I will have to make it known to the entire
VCA membership that I sought assistance with this issue, but was
unsuccessful in acquiring it.

I strongly encourage you to advise Mr. Gilles to avoid involvement in VCA
business and politics, cease making demands and threats to VCA leadership,
and continue to support SRT's largest and most important customer base. In
return, the VCA will continue to be the biggest cheerleader of SRT, as it
always has been.

Thank you again for your consideration of this issue which I hope you
recognize is potentially very serious not only to the VCA, but for SRT's
future business.

Best regards,

Tim Wollesen

And just when I was fully convinced Ralph Gilles was the person responsible for this disaster, VCA is the one that caused this fiasco?  I still think Gilles is the main fall guy but I understand even more now why the VCA and other Viper internet morgues get so defensive should anyone point out shortcomings of these cars.  Oh and just clarify, I do own one and was deeply disappointed to see how little progress the next generation made.
Seems like Gilles and VCA are the new cast of Dumb and Dumber remake, LOL.

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